AC-Fed electric locomotives energy performance increase

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Tomilov V. S., Mel'nichenko O. V., Shramko S. G., Boginskii S. A. Povyshenie energeticheskoi effektivnosti raboty elektrovozov peremennogo toka [AC-fed electric locomotives energy performance increase]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 172–182. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).172-182

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One of the most important tasks of the concept of “Strategy for the scientific and technical development of the Russian Railways holding for the period up to 2025 and for the long term up to 2030” is to reduce the specific consumption of electricity by electric rolling stock and increase its energy efficiency. The domestic AC electric locomotives operating today have unsatisfactory energy performance both in traction mode and in regenerative braking mode. In the recovery mode, there is a significant consumption of reactive power by an electric locomotive from the traction network, and, as a result, an extremely low power factor, not exceeding the value of 0.65 in the highest voltage regulation zone. The presence of blocks of ballast resistors in the power circuit, which is associated with the adopted inverter control law, not only limits the area of braking characteristics of the electric locomotive, but also significantly reduces the amount of electricity supplied to the contact network. Thus, in this article the authors propose a modern approach to solving the issue of energy efficiency of an electric locomotive in the recovery mode, namely: the use of a reversible converter based on IGBT transistors and the development of a method for implementing regenerative braking without ballast resistor blocks with the provision of static stability of this mode. To analytically prove the working efficiancy of this method, the external characteristics of the inverter based on IGBT transistors were calculated and built, a positive slope of which indicates the implementability of regenerative braking without ballast resistance. The curves of electromagnetic processes occurring in the power circuit of the electric locomotive were obtained and analyzed using the developed simulation model of a 2ES5K alternating current electric locomotive in a MatLab Simulink environment operating in regenerative braking mode.

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