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High-temperature desorption of gold from activated carbons proceeds in the apparatus of the periodic operation principle in the alkaline medium, at the elevated pressure. To ensure continuity of the autoclave desorption of gold from activated carbon it is necessary to develop a dosage technology and a metering device that could ensure the loading and discharge of the activated carbon without disturbing the integrity of sorbent and maintaining temperature in the stripper. The aim of the study is to find an effective diagram of the metering device ensuring the continuity of the noble metals desorption process under elevated pressure. Overview of technical and patent documentation showed that there are a large number of concepts of metering devices on the basis of continuous and discrete feeders operating principle. The article identifies the deficiencies in the presented feeders and proposes a diagram of the gateway metering device. Of all the feeder diagrams presented, only valve, vane and toral ones are able to provide the necessary tightness in the elevated pressure conditions.


Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке проекта № 02.G25.31.0075 в рамках постановления Правительства Российской Федерации № 218 от 09.04.2010 г.

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