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Bibliographic description of the article: 

Zubkov V. V., Sirina N. F. Analiz vozdeistviya uchastnikov transportno – obespechivayushchikh funktsii na kachestvo predostavleniya kompleksnoi transportnoi uslugi i metodika opredeleniya stepeni ikh vliyaniya na kriterii kachestva [Analysis of the impact of participants of transport-supporting functions on the quality of delivering integrated transport services and the technique of determining the degree of their influence on the quality criteria]. Sovremennyye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovaniye [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 47–55. DOI: 10.26731/1813-

Journal number: 
656.078.11, 656.27


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Effective development of transport services in the field of freight traffic may be achieved by developing competitiveness in this market segment. For this, transport - supporting companies must be competitive at the expense of their own labor resources, rolling stock, technical means, rational technological processes, commodity, natural and financial resources, and an extensive range of services. Ensuring the growth of pure competition is a fundamental strategic task, where this competitiveness acts as a self-organizing system. The problem of this system lies in the multifunctionality of transport - supporting companies, both the production and transport business process and their interrelations in a single economic space, as well as a multitude of influences of both internal and external environment. Studies show that competitiveness in the field of freight transportation in the segment of transport services is enhanced and is controlled as a result of the impact on the main criteria for the transportation quality of entities of transport services in their responsibility areas. This article examines one of the main issues: the organization and management of an integrated transport service in the field of freight traffic, as a key area for improving competitiveness in the transport services market and increasing the efficiency of production activities of all participants in the transportation process. The paper presents an analysis of the responsibilities and areas of impact of participants of transport-supporting functions in the current model of the freight traffic market in railway transport. It investigates the ability of influence and quality observance by the subjects of transport services in the new Target model of integrated transport services. The article identifies the main criteria for consumers of integrated transport services and their impact. A method is proposed for determining the degree of influence on the integrity of the quality of an integrated transport service in different categories of transportation and various types of transport. The coefficients of the quality of the transport service and the integrated transport service were calculated, the use of which establishes the share of the contribution of each participant of the transport service while implementing the goods distribution.

List of references: 

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