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The article deals with the synthesis of optimal algorithms for diagnosing analog industrial objects using the example of the Metran-150 pressure sensor. An associative method for optimizing a troubleshooting strategy is considered. The serviceable and faulty state of technical objects from is described the approach point of view. The object is in a faulty state when at least one characteristic does not correspond the specified norms. Faulty states can be of varying degrees of complexity and lead to different consequences. The classification of failures according to the nature of occurrence is given. The pre-condition of the technical object is described. The time of failure development enables the technical staff to take measures to prevent disruption of performance. The classification of the development of faults and the causes of their occurrence is given. The most important parameters for troubleshooting and technical diagnostics are considered. The diagnostic table of troubleshooting is made. Based on the original fault table, a table of non-recurring situations of the second, third, fourth and fifth orders is obtained. At each stage, the calculation is carried out using the Bellman optimality equation. Optimal subgraphs of identification of corresponding orders with indication of weights of identifiable events and prices of inspections are presented. The required optimal graph of the fault finding algorithm with the cost of its bypass is obtained. The optimal solution for troubleshooting improves the reliability of the operation of technical facilities, while also reducing the downtime of the equipment in case of a defect. As a result, when using the optimal algorithm for diagnosing the Metran-150 pressure sensor, the average time of diagnosis can be reduced, approximately, four times.

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