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Bibliographic description of the article: 

Mudraya N. G. Automatic control system of rail circuits rolling on the basis of application of complex signals. Sovremennye tekhnologii. System analysis. Modeling, 2018, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 124-129. DOI: 10.26731 / 1813-9108.2018.1 (57). 124-129.

Journal number: 
656 (075.8)


Article File: 

The article focuses on the problem of improving the reliable functioning of rail circuits and the efficiency of their maintenance, which is caused by the inadequacy of full-service methods, timely control over their condition, and also depends on environmental factors. The process of technical maintenance of rail circuits is currently described in detail, which is quite laborious and extremely expensive. Analysis of the methods of monitoring the operability of the rail circuit has been carried out. The existing control systems for their operation have also been reviewed, and the shortcomings have been listed. These shortcomings are addressed through the use of devices and systems for continuous monitoring of the state of the rail circuit, which will improve the reliability of technical means to ensure the safety of train traffic. The article describes a fundamentally new, original method of control using an automatic system for monitoring the operability of rail circuits based on the application of broadband signals. The author presents the description and operation principle of this system, with the advantages being listed. The necessity of its use for monitoring the functioning of the rail circuit has been identified and justified. The system provides the possibility of increasing noise immunity, accuracy and reliability of measurement of rail circuit parameters with low power consumption, and also makes it possible to determine the real-time distribution of electrical parameters of the rail line and their correspondence by using noise signals as stimulus signals with subsequent quasi-optimal signal processing.

List of references: 

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