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Gozbenko V. E., Olentsevich V. A., Belogolov U. I. Avtomatizatsiya otdel'nykh operatsii perevozochnogo protsessa s tsel'yu obespecheniya dostatochnykh uslovii dlya optimal'nogo funktsionirovaniya «tsifrovogo» transporta i logistiki [Automation of individual transport operations to ensure sufficient conditions for optimal operation of “digital” transport and logistics]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling], 2018, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 125–132. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.4(60).125-132

Journal number: 
656.2: 519.8: 629.4


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In recent times, the issues of development and creation of modern automation systems in the rail transport sys-tem become relevant and in need of development again. Modern evolution taking place in the field of information technologies will allow the transport industry to put into practice the concept of a marketing client-oriented approach. Digitalization of transport and logistics, as one of the main social sectors of Russia, as well as the use of modern transport and technical facilities, software systems allows improving the technical and economic efficiency of the transport complex as a whole and for individual subsystems, as well as to ensure the high quality of the services provided. The task of the operator of the transport and logistics market is based on the choice of a specific algorithm of effective actions in a certain situation, which is determined by the library of optimal established solutions, and due to the presence of digitalization of logistics transport chains, it is possible to handle solutions that depend on the type of cargo, type of rolling stock for transportation, their adaptation to the parameters of the client subsystem. The introduction of the computational decision-making procedure developed by the authors for the placement and securing of cargo in rolling stock, taking into account the predicted parameters of its shift under the condition of movement, will make it possible to predict the onset of the risk event at the initial stage of the transportation process - cargo acceptance for transportation. This procedure will improve the quality of the transport system and its level of safety in all areas of activity.

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