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Antoshkin S. B., Bakanov M. V., Sizykh V. N. Sistema upravleniya avtonomnogo robota na osnove metoda obratnykh zadach dinamiki [An autonomous robot control system based on an inverse problems method in dynamics]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 15–23. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.2(62).15–23

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The article discusses the algorithm of orientation of transport robots according to the acoustic signal of a stationary beacon or beacon of a leading vehicle.  Signal filtering features for known bearing methods are identified. Signal bearing is analyzed in the presence of noise. An algorithm is given to simultaneously eliminate ambiguity and minimize errors of the acoustic signal bearing. An algorithm was developed and modeled to simultaneously eliminate ambiguity and minimize bearing measurement errors. Simulation results are analyzed. This algorithm can be implemented with a relatively simple and inexpensive microprocessor. When using a system of at least three beacons, it is possible to upgrade the algorithm to determine the coordinates of the lead robot in the working space. To solve the problem of controlling the slave robot, its non-linear mathematical model has been developed, which is implemented in the MATLAB / Simulink programming environment. The method of building proportional regulators with double differentiation (PDD) for a slave autonomous robot is justified on the basis of the dynamic compensation principle.  The laws of wheelset control are synthesized on the basis of reference models according to a simple gradient scheme of the method of inverse problems of dynamics in the formulation of P. D. Krut'ko for the problem of stabilizing (damping) the angular velocities of a three-wheeled mobile robot. A simulation control model has been developed, including a block of angular position and trajectory movement of the robot, a multidimensional multiply connected mathematical model of angular motion of the robot, a PDD regulator unit based on reference models. A Simulink model of the slave robot moving behind the master robot has been developed. The analysis of the simulation results has been performed.

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