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Mikhal'chuk N. L., Ivanov P. Yu., Dul'skii E. Yu., Romanovskii A. I. Kontur likvidatsii sverkhzaryadnogo davleniya vozdukhoraspredelitelya podvizhnogo sostava zheleznykh dorog [The circuit of elimination of supercharged pressure of the air distributor of the railway rolling stock]. Sovremennyye tekhnologii. Sistemnyy analiz. Modelirovaniye [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 82–90. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.1(61).82–90

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The article describes the problem of the recharging of the brakes of freight trains. It presents the statistics of failures related to the recharging of train brakes with different pressure increases in the equalizing tank of the driver’s brake valve tank reservoir. To eliminate recharging, it is proposed to create a circuit for the elimination of supercharged pressure inside the distributor with ref. No. 483 by installing a dump valve on the process chamber. The article presents its project and principle of operation. It determines and locates the forces acting on the softness valve. A technical solution is proposed to increase the efficiency of the valve. The authors propose a method for calculating the geometrical parameters required for the modernization of the air distributor, as well as the calculation of the rigidity of the new valve spring softness. They consider the process of actuation of the brakes during the elimination of the supercharged pressure. The proposed device for the elimination of the working chamber supercharged pressure will increase the controllability of the brakes, reduce the human factor, eliminating train stops and downtime due to reloading of pneumatic automatic brakes. Modernization of the air distributor with ref. No. 483 will increase the average speed on the descent by 3-5 km/h, improve the safety of train traffic by reducing the likelihood of brake exhaustion and reducing longitudinal dynamic reactions in the train, causing the formation of tail car burns, as well as the likelihood of the train breakaway. It will also lead to an increase in the service speed by 0.7-1 km/h due to an upgrading of the release action efficiency, an increase in the braking system controllability, easier implementation and the removal of restrictions when strategical objectives of JSC "Russian Railways" to increase the weight of the trains are reached.

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