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Reducing mortality, injuries and accidents on the roads of Russia is a priority, which makes it necessary to strengthen the road safety management system. Lipetsk State Technical University proposed the use of the expert system «Road Safety». For its functioning, it is required to create methods of objective evaluation and development of control actions that have the greatest efficiency. The developed scientific approaches to the definition of homogeneous groups of road sections make it possible to use standard measures for the selected groups. As variables, three groups of indicators have been adopted, such as the level of accidents, the behavior of the participants in the traffic, based on violations of traffic rules that preceded the occurrence of the road accident, and the level of complexity determined by the number of intersections of all types and places of attraction. As a result of the cluster analysis, conducted on the example of the Lipetsk street-road network, three groups of streets are identified. Classification functions obtained with the help of discriminant analysis allow us to assign a new street or street with the changed characteristics to one of the selected groups. The breakdown of objects into homogeneous groups makes it possible to determine the sequence of actions to improve road safety, and to develop and apply standard solutions for each group of facilities. The obtained classificational functions allow, to monitor the change in the characteristics of objects and promptly determine to which group the newly identified objects should be assigned.

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