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Altynnikov D. S., Koven'kin D. A. Opredelenie poperechnykh napryazhenii v sheike rel'sov v zavisimosti ot dinamicheskikh nagruzok na podkhodakh k mostam [Determining transverse tensions in the rail web depending on dynamic loadings at approaches to bridges]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling], 2018, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 108–117. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.4(60).108-117

Journal number: 
624.21 + 625.032.6 + 625.171


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Due to the fact that the spatial development of the country is not standing still, at the same time there is a growing need to increase the capacity and safe operation of the railway network, which increases the competitiveness of the Russian economy. The increase in load and speed on the railway tracks leads to an accelerated disruption of the railway track, which in turn affects traffic safety and additional costs. Therefore the solution of this problem will promote decrease in economic investments and will increase reliability of railway traffic.

Calculation of the railway track for strength is one of the important and complex sections of the general problem of studying the interaction of the track and rolling stock. To carry out such calculation, it is important to find the correct functional dependences between the elasticity module and the external forces acting on rail lengths. The value of these indicators depends on a set of factors, such as speed of the movement, curve radius, structure of the track.

The article describes the theoretical and experimental studies of the horizontal transverse rigidity of rails at the approaches to bridges with a ballastless bridge deck. It is established that there is increased deformation tension in the rail track located at the transi-tional section. This tension influences a condition of the top and lower structure of the track that leads to a deviation from standard values.

The authors present a practical work of the measuring complex “MS Tensor” and its design structure. Operation of the equip-ment is based on use of tensoresistors and piezoelectric converters. During the research of the measured data, characteristic places of manifestation of the increased tension in the track at approaches to bridges are established. For practical measurements, bridges across the Shankhayka and Irkut Rivers have been chosen as an example in article.

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