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Kolosov A. D. Razrabotka i modelirovanie konstruktsii mashiny dlya razdeleniya nanorazmernykh materialov [Development and modeling of a machine design for the separation of nanoscale materials]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System analysis. Modeling], 2018, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 8–15.  DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.4(60).8-15

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The paper provides a brief overview of the existing methods of flotation separation, as well as an overview of the designs of flotation machines that are most common for today. It demonstrates the features of the structures used and highlights their main advantages and disadvantages. The problems in the flotation of finely dispersed raw materials to the classic designs of the flotation machines are presented. Column and impeller designs of flotation machines, the most widely used for the moment, are considered. The article studies characteristic features of these structures and formulates a number of requirements for a new design of the flotation machine, devoid of the shortcomings of classical flotation machines. On the basis of the selected characteristics, the requirements are worked out to which the flotation machine of the new design must comply. A number of technical solutions are proposed that allow the new flotation machine to meet these requirements. Technological subtleties of construction of some elements of the drawings used at plasma cutting of some assembly details are considered. A new design of the flotation machine has been developed, which meets modern requirements for simplicity and reliability of design, low production cost and high efficiency of the flotation separation. Special emphasis is placed on the maximum extraction of valuable product even with a very high dispersion of the processed material. A three-dimensional model is constructed, thanks to which the construction of complex geometric elements is optimized, and the metal consumption of the structure is calculated. The flotation machine of a new design is built according to the developed drawings and requires laboratory tests. With the help of this model, it was possible to generate the drawings of structural elements that are most difficult for the classical construction. According to the developed drawings, a laboratory flotation machine with a volume of 250 liters, made of corrosion-resistant steel of 08X18H10 grade, was manufactured.


Статья подготовлена при финансовой поддержке Министерства образования и науки РФ с использованием результатов работ, выполненных в ходе проекта 02.G25.31.0174 «Разработка комплексной ресурсосберегающей технологии и организация высокотехнологичного производства наноструктур на основе углерода и диоксида кремния для улучшения свойств строительных и конструкционных материалов» в рамках Программы реализации комплексных проектов по созданию высокотехнологичного производства, утвержденных постановлением Правительства РФ № 218 от 9 апреля 2010 г.

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