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Volchek T. V., Mel'nichenko O. V., Lin'kov A. O., Shramko S. G. Razrabotka sposoba i ustroistva dlya snizheniya pul'satsii toka vozbuzhdeniya tyagovogo elektrodvigatelya elektrovoza v rezhime oslableniya polya [Development of the method and device to reduce pulsation of current excitation of the electric motor electric motor in the model of reduction the field]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 163–171. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.3(63).163–171

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One of the most important tasks of the Russian Railways Program “Strategy of the Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Railways Group for the period up to 2025 and in the long run up to 2030” is to increase the reliability and service life of the technical equipment of the electric rolling stock. Efficient and trouble-free operation of the fleet of electric locomotives being operated largely depends on the reliability of collector traction electric motors. In this regard, this article considers the statistics of failures of their elements in the network of railways of the Eastern Polygon for 2018. An assembly has been identified whose reliability should be improved. Regular devices are considered for reducing the pulsation of the rectified current and magnetic flux of traction electric motors of an electric locomotive. A simulation model of an AC 2ES5K electric locomotive, operating in full and weakened field modes using standard and proposed field weakening systems for traction electric motors, was developed in the MatLab Simulink environment. Their electromagnetic processes were obtained. After the analyzis of the electromagnetic processes of the traction electric motors in the full and weakened field modes using a standard field weakening system, the coefficients of absolute and relative pulsation of the excitation current were obtained. An improved system for weakening the field of traction electric motors based on IGBT transistors is proposed, which allows smooth control of the excitation current while reducing its ripple to almost zero. This has a positive effect on the service life and reliability of traction electric motors.

List of references: 

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