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The problem of improving the efficiency and stability of the operating mode of vibration machine vibrations. Is considered. The mechanical system of inertia type, with the combination of multiple modes of parametric resonance, is analgen. It is shown that the existence of vibrations is possible with to satisfy the threshold condition of excitation, which depends on the friction in the oscillating system, the driving factors and the natural frequency of oscillation of the pendulum. In addition, the use of an isotropic elastic suspension for driving the circular working body vibrations reduces the excitation threshold two times, and a reduction ratio of own pendulum frequency halves the excitation threshold three times.

It is shown that a mechanical system realizes a synergistic effect due to mutual stimulation of partial subsystems. This effect is achieved by the instability of the equilibrium position of a dynamical system when the condition of parametric resonance is satisfied. In the zone of parametric resonance, the position of the equilibrium remains, but it is unstable. At the boundary point (the bifurcation point), the equi-librium position loses stability, which leads to self-excitation of parametric resonance oscillations.

The results of the simulation of the instability regions and amplitude-frequency characteristics of vibration machine with a different coefficient of friction values and excitation are given. It is shown that at low coefficients of co-stimulation and increased friction processing load, there is an expansion of the resonance zones due to the small friction in the pendulum of the parametric rotary pendulum pathogen.

The results allow to develop engineering and design activities for the development and creation of technological purpose vibration machines with a stable resonant mode of operation.

List of references: 

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