The economic feasibility of a multichannel monitoring of oil-filled power transformers of traction substations

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Puzina E. Yu., Tuigunova A. G., Khudonogov I. A. Ekonomicheskaya tselesoobraznost' sistemy mnogokanal'nogo monitoringa silovykh maslonapolnennykh transformatorov tyagovykh podstantsiy [The economic feasibility of a multichannel monitoring of oil-filled power transformers of traction substations]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 83–92. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.2(66).83-92

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The monitoring system is used for continuous monitoring of all key parameters of the transformer, diagnostics of its condition, forming conclusions about the state and forecasts of its operation. When used, it should provide convenience in operation, work as an automatic and interactive tool that provides detection of transformer defects at an early stage. Assessment of the actual state of its insulation system is a major and urgent problem. The problem of assessing the actual state of insulation of power equipment during operation is quite significant, especially when organizing maintenance and repair at the stage of transition to service according to the actual technical condition from the classic planned preventive one. More and more tools appear in monitoring systems due to the changed operating conditions of equipment, increased requirements for operability, the transition to new forms of financial and economic activity of enterprises, the introduction of new equipment and technologies, diagnostic and special equipment, the widespread use of information systems and computer technology of modern automation and SCADA systems, increased requirements for environmental and labor operational safety of objects. To implement the tasks of increasing the reliability and efficiency of equipment operation in these conditions, a new strategy for maintenance and repair of equipment was chosen based on an assessment of its actual technical condition, while maintaining the main provisions of the system of planned preventive maintenance and repair for failure.

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