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Kolisnichenko E.A. Energoeffektivnyy rezhim raboty infrakrasnogo izluchatelya v tekhnologii ochistki strelochnogo perevoda [The energy-efficient operating mode of the infrared emitter in the technology of cleaning the switch from snow and ice]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 64, No. 4. Pp. 119–124. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.4(64). 119-124

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During the construction and current track maintenance it is necessary to take into account all factors affecting the technical condition, reliability and durability of its elements, as well as safe operation and reducing expenditures. The main guarantee of uninterrupted and safe operation of Railways in winter is the timely cleaning of the railway track from snow. However, despite the integrated attitude in preparation for the winter period on the railway network, as in the Russian Federation and in many foreign countries. One of the main reasons is the accumulation of snow or ice in the area between the contact tongue and stock rail of the switch. Untimely removal of snow mass can lead to a switch failure during operation and, as a consequence, disrupt the safe and uninterrupted traffic of trains on the site. To reduce failures for this reason and ensure operational reliability proposed method of cleaning switches with the using an infrared emitter. Based on this, the article discusses the theoretical and practical rationale for choosing the most energy-efficient operating mode the infrared emitter in the technology of cleaning switch from snow and ice, which in turn will reduce the cost of current maintenance, as well as improve the efficiency of switches during their operation in the winter.

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