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Ivanov P. Yu., Manuilov N. I., Dul'skii E. Yu., Khudonogov I. A. Improving the controllability of brakes of trains. Modern technologies. System analysis Modeling, 2018, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 68–76. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.3(59).68-76.

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The article deals with topical issues on increasing the controllability of the brakes of a freight train, by improving the contour of elimination of supercharged pressure, in particular, the modernization of the softness valve. To improve the braking facilities and to exclude spontaneous actuation, the influence of the path profile on the braking devices has been determined.  In order to assess the influence of the track profile in the places of the most frequent activation of autobrakes, the track profile is considered and the places for the most frequent activation of autobrakes are determined.  The authors investigate and determine the reasons of spontaneous actuation of autobrakes. The paper presents experimental studies of the static characteristics of a piston pneumatic relay and a diaphragm pneumatic relay. The design and operation of the equalizing part of the crane operator No. 395 are analyzed. The problem of operation of train brakes as a result of recharging the brake network of a train is formulated. The theoretical substantiation of the necessity of modernization of the braking facilities of railway rolling stock is made. The drawbacks of the equalizing part of the operator's crane No. 395 are found, which allows further modernization of the device, in order to solve the problem of increasing the controllability of the braking system associated with the human factor during charging and releasing of rolling stock brakes.The authors propose a modernized equalizing part of the operator's crane. The proposed execution of the equalizing part of the operator's crane will increase its sensitivity to pressure drops in the brake line associated with the longitudinal-dynamic train responses. Timely compensation of this kind of discharge will reduce the number of spontaneous actuation of autobrakes due to longitudinal-dynamic responses. The conclusions are drawn and the question of further improvement of the braking facilities of rolling stock of railways is considered.

List of references: 


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