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Lobytsin I. O., Demina O. O. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie ostsilliruyushchego ik-energopodvoda v tekhnologii vosstanovleniya izolyatsionnykh pal'tsev tyagovykh elektrodvigatelei lokomotivov [Mathematical modeling of the oscillating mode of the IR-energy supply in the technology of restoration of insulating fingers of electric motors of locomotives]. Sovremennyye tekhnologii. Sistemnyy analiz. Modelirovaniye [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 118–125. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.1(61).118–125

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This article deals with a completely new technology of restoring the insulating elements of electric motors of traction rolling stock, as illustrated by the insulating fingers of the brush holder brackets. It presents a simulation of the oscillating mode of thermal effects on the insulating element rotating uniformly on a carousel installation, whose principle of operation is also described in the paper. The main advantage of using a carousel is the implementation of oscillating infrared power supply by moving fingers around the carousel with radiation sources constantly switched on. This, in turn, excludes starting modes with frequent switching on and off, thereby having a positive effect on the service life of infrared radiating elements and the quality of thermal energy reconstruction. The use of the energy balance equation makes it possible to determine the energy losses in the process of drying insulating coatings with IR energy supply. The paper provides formulas for finding losses during the heat of the impregnated IF; loss of heat to the environment through conveсtion; heat losses to the environment through radiation; removal of solvent. The paper shows the geometrical dimensions of the restored surface of the insulating finger, on the basis of which the index of the geometric characteristics of the impregnated insulation is found. Comparative graphs of both continuous and oscillating modes of insulation restoration with an indication of the values ontrolled during the drying process are clearly demonstrated. A mathematical model for determining the effective duty cycle of the radiating elements and calculating the maximum oscillation cycle duration has been created. Using the developed mathematical model allows us to increase the quality of the insulating layer being restored during a depot repair, which contributes to increasing the reliability of the insulating elements of locomotive electric motors while in operation.

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