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The article presents the operating conditions analysis of transport-technological machines (TTM) equipped with the built-in monitoring facilities. The article shows the passive statistical experiment results of the diagnostic informational-driven technical service subsystem with the focus on the operating conditions monitoring and TTM operating conditions. The aim of the present work was to reveal the TTM operation failure regularity under varied conditions. It was testified that TTM operation failure rate depends on different operating factors negatively affecting their technical state. The regression analysis method was used for the obtained results processing. The results of the pretest analysis stated that the time in service, operating time, maintenance rate and the technical index of operating conditions hardness have the greatest influence on TTM failure rate. It is recommended to take this into account when forecasting the TTM failures that is performed with the functional dependencies between the failure rate and different operating factors defined with the regression analysis method. The article also shows the mathematical models for determining the failure rate of the TTM equipped with the built-in monitoring facilities. The mathematical models obtained with the regression analysis method help to forecast the probable time of the TTM operating failure depending on the time in service, operating time and the maintenance rate for the testing period. For all the factors including the insignificant as to the F-criterion the Student t-test values were calculated for testing the hypothesis of partial correlation coefficient value. t-test values were calculated for the regression equation in standard scale at the significance level p = 0,05 and the definite number of degrees of freedom. The authors give the results of experimental data statistical processing of four groups of the TTM (the excavators) obtained with the help of the regression analysis. The values of correlation coefficients as to all the represented regression models are within the 0,9…0,99 limits, that according to the Chaddock scale qualitatively characterize bonding force as completely significant.

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