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Kryukov A. V., Cherepanov A. V., Shafikov A. R. Modelirovanie nesinusoidal'nykh rezhimov v sistemakh elektrosnabzheniya zheleznykh dorog pri dvizhenii lokomotivov s asinkhronnymi tyagovymi dvigatelyami [The modelling of nonsinusoidal modes in the railroad power supply systems when driving locomotives with induction traction motors]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling], 2018, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 99–108.  DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.4(60).99-108

Journal number: 
621.311, 621.331


Article File: 

Rectifier electric locomotives have nonlinear current voltage characteristics and generate the upper harmonics (UH) in power lines, which is accompanied by the following negative effects: equipment life decrease, electricity metering distortion, emergence of resonant processes etc. Therefore, the problem of decrease in levels of harmonic distortions in the networks adjoining traction substations of the alternating-current railroads has the increased relevance.

The UH generation level depends on the design features of electric locomotives. The electric rolling stock with zonal and phase regulation creates larger harmonic distortions; at the same time power losses in the traction network increase, and power indicators of substations and the system of external power supply worsen. The electric locomotives of new generation, equipped with induction motors (IM) and converters with pulse management, allow forming almost sinusoidal curve of current, reducing loading of networks jet energy and reducing harmonic distortions.

To quantify the extent of decrease of harmonic distortions during the movement of locomotives with IM, the simulation modelling of the nonsinusoidal modes of the standard 25 kV traction power supply system was carried out for two options of the used locomotives: VL-80R with zonal and phase regulation; UTY-1 with induction motors and four-quadrant converters.

The technology of model operation of electrical power systems in phase coordinates with use of trellised equivalent circuits from the RLC elements with the full-connected topology is the basis for a technique of defining the modes by the upper harmonics. Trellised schemes are frequency-dependent and are rather just recalculated for frequencies of the upper harmonics. The dependencies of parameters of nonlinear sources on the current mode have no significant effect on calculation. This is due to the fact that the first harmonica is dominating and the parameters of sources are determined on the basis of the mode predesign at the base frequency. The offered approach is versatile and can be used for a research of the nonsinusoidal modes in the specific and advanced systems of traction power supply.

Results of the modelling showed that the problem of the increased level of harmonic distortions in the networks feeding traction substations can be completely solved when replacing of the existing locomotives by electric locomotives of new generation with asynchronous electric drives and four-quadrant converters.

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