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621.311: 621.321


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Transfer of electrified railway to high speed movement requires amplification of tractive electrical power supply system. Such amplification can be carried out by use of coaxial cables and symmetrizing transformers. Amplification provides the additional effects consisting in improving of electric power quality in high-voltage feeding networks and regions of electrical power supply for not tractive customers and also in lowering of electric power losses and the energy efficiency increase.

Means of computer simulation of such networks are necessary for solution of practical application questions. Such means can be implemented on the basis of methods developed in Irkutsk State Transport University. The article describes the results of computer simulation of a traditional tractive 2х25 kV power supply system, and also a 2х25 kV system equipped with Woodbridge symmetrizing transformers and coaxial cables. Movement of conventional passenger trains and electro train Velaro Rus has been considered. Simulation has been carried out for three variants: a traditional tractive 2х25 kV network; a tractive power supply system equipped with Woodbridge modified transformers; a complex technical solution with symmetrizing transformers and coaxial cables.

Results of simulation show that use of the coaxial cables promotes increase in a voltage level on the train current collectors. Use of the Woodbridge modified transformers allows lowering asymmetry factor on high voltage buses of tractive substations.

The greatest effect takes place in case of complex use of the symmetrizing transformers and coaxial cables.

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