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Bibliographic description of the article: 

Ablaev R. R., Ablaev A. R., Ksenofontova V. A. Sovremennye vozmozhnosti issledovaniya tekhnicheskoi sostoyatel'nosti dannykh, poluchennykh v protsesse sledstvennogo eksperimenta pri naezdakh na peshekhodov [Modern possibilities of exploring the technical consistency of the data obtained during the investigative experiment during pedestrian accidents]. Sovremennyye tekhnologii. Sistemnyy analiz. Modelirovaniye [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 91–97. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.1(61).91–97

Journal number: 
629. 3: 340.6


Article File: 

The article is about improving the efficiency and quality of the expert study of the circumstances of road traffic accidents by direct technical analysis of the consistency of the initial data obtained experimentally. It is shown that the proper approach to the choice of the investigation method of the accident circumstances is one of the topical issues for the objective study of the accident traffic mechanism. The authors indicate problems of organizational and methodological improvement of investigative experiments. The use of software packages for modeling and reconstruction of road traffic accidents is analyzed by a pulse method. It is shown that the data on limits of human capabilities can be used for the technical analysis of a pedestrian movement pace. The technical consistency of the initial data set by the investigators has been analyzed in terms of the reliability of the driver's testimony about the pedestrian speed at the time of contact with the vehicle. The analysis showed that the measurement error about the pedestrian movement parameters may be one of the reasons for obtaining the data on the pedestrian movement parameters. This error distorts the whole approaching mechanism
of a pedestrian and a vehicle and results in an inaccurate investigation of the mechanism of this accident. An example of technical analysis of the consistency of the testimony of the participant of the incident on the mechanism of conflict rapprochement of a pedestrian with a car using the software package PC-Crash -7.3. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop guidelines for investigative experiments with specific indication and application of modern technical means of recording.

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