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Bol’shanin G.A. Optimizatsiya peredachi elektricheskoi energii [Optimization of transfer of electric energy]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 19–28, DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.1(61).19–28

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Transmission of electrical energy from the place of its generation to the place of its consumption is carried out with the help of electric power transmission lines (EPTLs) of various designs of different voltage classes. Optimization of transmission of electrical energy assumes, first of all, increase of transmission capacity of the electric power lines. Transmission of electrical energy is provided by falling and reflected waves of the electromagnetic field. Their number depends on the performance of the transmission line. Electric energy from the source to the consumer is delivered by falling waves of the electromagnetic field. But only part of the energy is consumed, and the other part of it is reflected by the waves of the electromagnetic field back to the source. Reflected waves of the electromagnetic field reduce the transmission capacity of electric power lines, decrease the number and lower the quality of electrical energy. Optimizing the transmission of electrical energy in this case implies a decrease in the amplitude values of the reflected waves of the electromagnetic field. The problem of minimizing the amplitude values of the reflected waves of the electromagnetic field presupposes the solution of the task of minimizing the function in one or several variables, depending on the arrangement of the transmission line. The numerical values of the reflected waves of the electromagnetic field are characterized by the corresponding integration constants. Therefore, to solve the problem, these integration constants must be subjected to minimization. For a single-wire electric power transmission line, the problem of minimizing the amplitude value of the reflected wave of an electromagnetic field has a unique solution. Here, this operation is defined as the coordination of the electric load with the electric network. As for multi-wire electric power transmission lines, this task has ambiguous solutions. A technique is proposed for minimizing the amplitude values of the reflected electromagnetic field waves in a single-wire, two-wire and three-wire electric power transmission lines.

List of references: 

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