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Bibliographic description of the article: 

Vuong Q. T. Possibilities of regulating the distribution of the oscillation amplitude of the vibration table. Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling, 2018, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 30–36. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.3(59).30-36

Journal number: 
621:534, 62.752, 629.4.015


Article File: 

The article considers the problems of increasing the efficiency of technological and transport machines by introducing special technical means for correcting and adjusting their vibrational fields. One of the options for influencing the dynamic state of a technical object (for example, a vibration table) by introducing additional constraints, which are implemented by the motion transformation devices in the form of the screw non-locking mechanisms. The purpose of the study is to develop a method for constructing mathematical models for the interaction of elements of the vibrating technical objects for forming the structure of the vibrational field necessary for technological purposes.

The author uses the analytical tools of structural mathematical modeling, which allows us to introduce the transfer functions of interpartial constraints. Within this approach, it is possible to consider the forms of distribution of the oscillation amplitude ratios of the points of the working element along its length, including taking into account the structure of a uniform vibrational field. The main idea of the method is to determine the values of the parameters of the mechanical oscillatory system, in which the ratio of the oscillation amplitude of the working element becomes equal to unity within the entire frequency range of the working frequencies of the vibration table.

The author obtained analytical conditions for providing the necessary adjustment mode, numerical experiments were conducted, a number of recommendations were proposed for the preliminary adjustment of the table and the possibilities for implementing regimes close to the limiting ones. Dependency graphs of the coupling coefficients of the oscillation amplitudes are given for different sets of parameters of the systems. It is shown that under certain conditions the vibrational field of the working element can become uniform and independent of the excitation frequency. The article gives a number of recommendations for setting the parameters of the oscillatory system.

List of references: 


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