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Lebedeva O. A. Poltavskaya Yu. O., Gozbenko V. E. Selecting a transportation route in the metropolitan system. Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling, 2018, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 76–82. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.3(59).76-82.

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Determining the transportation route in the metropolitan system is one of the ways to improve the efficiency of the railway, associated with determining the optimal number of rolling stock on the line and taking into account the intervals, which can eventually lead to a decrease in the total travel time. Metropolitan systems play an important role in meeting the demand for urban transport in major cities. The task of restoring the correspondence matrix in railway transport is important for optimal control of the transport process, which includes increasing the capacity, optimizing the timetable, and the ability to simulate in real time. The introduction of new payment systems provides an opportunity to obtain information about the time of entry / exit to the station. But the choice of the train and / or the route of transportation remains unknown. The article presents a solution to the problem, which does not require the cost of additional equipment, except for the fare accounting system, which has already been universally implemented in the railway. The analysis of existing models that determine the main factors affecting the size of the capacity of railway stations and the degree of their significance are analyzed. The analysis helped to identify the main inconsistencies in the railway network, errors that may arise as a result of data collection, and ways of their calibration. As a result, it is proposed to use a probabilistic model that can be used to carry out an experimental analysis of the restoration of the correspondence matrix.

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