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621.753.4: 621.785


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Increasing the reliability and service life of wedge dampers of oscillations of railway trucks remains an important problem requiring the search for new innovative design and technological solutions. Service interval of friction wedges of cargo trucks, in accordance with the design documentation (DD), should be at least 500 thousand km., and as for the new-generation cargo trucks – not less than 800 thousand km. But, for a number of reasons, this assembly breaks down much earlier, including numerous operational malfunctions of the polyurethane lining installed on the inclined wedge surface (wear, stratification, scoring, lamination, tears, lateral and angular splittings, cracks, production faults).

Therefore, one of the most urgent tasks today is to develop the technologies that make it possible to diagnose defects in polymer products, such as a polyurethane lining of the friction wedge of the cargo truck, and also to increase their operational properties.

One of the most progressive and effective methods capable of performing the described task is high-frequency electrothermy. Analyzing HF equipment and the process of electrothermy and taking into account the geometric complexity of the lining in question, it was concluded that it is impossible to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of the HF treatment without designing the appropriate technological attachments in order to achieve the uniform warming of the lining throughout the volume, which was the main goal of this work.

The development of methods for calculating and designing the equipment, proceeding from the physical nature of the processes occurring during HF processing, will make it possible to implement in industrial conditions a uniform, self-limiting, self-regulating HF heating of the entire volume of material with a high intensity, regardless of the geometric dimensions and shape of the products being processed.

The article presents the results of studies aimed at creating a technique for designing attachments by conditional splitting of all surfaces of a processed product into a set of differentially small condensers with subsequent determination of their capacity.

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