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Malovetskaya E. V. Ispol'zovanie imitatsionnogo modelirovaniya pri prinyatii reshenii po operativnoi korrektirovke plana formirovaniya dispetcherskim apparatom stantsii i regional'nykh direktsii [The use of imitation modeling for decision-making on immediate correction of the plan of stations and regional directorates formed by the dispatcher office]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 62, No. 2. Pp. 155–166. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.2(62).155–166

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Recently, the possibility of increasing the transit flow of traffic flows has been repeatedly raised. This requires new technological solutions implemented at established polygons according to planning principles for the forthcoming period in the context of year, month, day, shift, taking into account the reduction of the human factor due to logical connectivity of the inputs and outputs of subprocesses, as well as the use of the organization of the carload freightage during the operation of multigroup trains traveling along extended routes with an exchange of individual car groups at the distributing stations encountered on the way, in the context of the combined schedule for all the polygon stations using Digital railway technologies. In this regard, it is required to determine the list of basic indicators developed individually for each network railroad, as well as polygons to be fixed, and, if necessary, be adjusted based on external and internal factors. It should be noted that today, problems of developing step-by-step instructions for making decisions on the immediate adjustment of the plan for the formation of stations and regional directorates by the dispatcher office with a list of procedures for the development of proposals and their coordination are particularly relevant. A full set of measures on changing the structure of operational indicators requires involving the building of process models for the production unit of the Russian Railways holding, as well as the creation of an innovative system of operational indicators for polygons. It is required in the shortest possible time to establish the list of indicators that will be subject to observation and control in the current conditions, which will allow systematizing the decision-making control process, providing it with adequate information.

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