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РаVarious schemes of ash discharge from ash collectors hoppers to the ducts of hydraulic ash removal of power complex equipment are considered in the article. The shortcomings of these schemes are large costs of flush water, gas flows through the conjoint gutters between the bunkers with various pressures that reduce the efficiency of ash collectors, resulting in chutes clogging with ash. The paper describes the invention, the implementation of which is going to eliminate or reduce the said drawbacks. High efficiency of the considered invention is illustrated by an example of its practical use at the district Galachinskaya boiler house in Bratsk. To determine the design and operational parameters of this invention (device), a mathematical model is developed, based on the balance of forces applied in it in static equilibrium. With the help of the obtained model, the design and operational parameters of the device in question have been calculated in two possible variants of its implementation. These determined parameters are the maximum and minimum height of the ash column, the mass and position of the load of the continuously-operated shutter. The operating parameters of the ash collector, which affect these parameters, are revealed. As an example for the calculation, an ash collector of the type CBR-150U-1280 having ash bunkers with three different values of rarefaction was accepted. Calculations are made for two possible variants of the considered device being connected into the ash removal circuit. The number of bunkers with different pressures connected to the considered device (invention) is varied. It is shown that the introduction of the device reduces the number of ash-sluicing devices and, corre-spondingly, the flushing water consumption. Conclusions have been made about the advisability of wide introduction of the invention to ash removal circuit in production and the need for further improvement of the presented model, with regard to a more complete consideration of the design parameters.

Список цитируемой литературы: 
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