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The paper presents a brief overview of the existing varieties of amorphous silica, technologies of its production and the main areas of application. The main subject of investigation in this article are industrial varieties of amorphous nanosilica, these materials represent high-margin products, the most popular in modern industry. Nanostructures on the basis of amorphous silicon dioxide are obtained in various ways, ranging from raw dust withdrawn from ore-thermal furnaces for the silicon production, to costly chemical and pyrolytic methods. One of the promising ways to obtain high quality amorphous nanosilica is pre-treatment of dust of ore-thermal furnaces for production of silicon for the purpose of removing the carbon and other impurities. Obtained by this method, the nanomodifier has properties close to those of precipitated and pyrogenic silica and, in addition, has a much lower cost. Nanomodifiers on the basis of amorphous silicon dioxide significantly change the properties of materials in the production of which they are applied. Different varieties of amorphous nanosilicas are applied in the manufacture of concrete in the tire industry, in the chemical industry, have prospects of application in metallurgy and other industries. The production and use of various nanosilica-based additives is one of the promising directions of development of modern science and technology. Analysis of application of amorphous nanosilica conducted in the preparation for this work showed that the use of nanosilica allows significantly improving the properties of many known materials. There is an experience of the successful application of nanomodifiers on the basis of amorphous silicon dioxide in construction, rubber and chemical industry, metallurgy and other industries. Nanosilica is one of the most popular nanomaterial in modern manufacturing and has broad application prospects.


Статья подготовлена при финансовой поддержке Министерства образования и науки РФ с использованием результатов работ, выполненных в ходе проекта 02.G25.31.0174 «Разработка комплексной ресурсосберегающей технологии и организация высокотехнологичного производства наноструктур на основе углерода и диоксида кремния для улучшения свойств строительных и конструкционных материалов» в рамках Программы реализации комплексных проектов по созданию высокотехнологичного производства, утвержденной постановлением Правительства РФ № 218 от 9 апреля 2010 г.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

1.   Kondrat'ev V.V. et al. Teoriya i praktika protsessov flotatsionnogo obogashcheniya nanorazmernykh sred [Theory and practice of the processes of flotation enrichment of nanoscale media]. Irkutsk: ISTU Publ., 2015, 160 p.

2.   Yastrebov K.L. Teoriya i praktika prikladnoi gidroaeromekhaniki v obogashchenii poleznykh iskopaemykh i metallurgii [Theory and practice of applied hydroaeromechanics in the enrichment of minerals and metallurgy]. Irkutsk: ISTU Publ., 2015, 350 p.

3.   Karlina A.I. Izuchenie gidrodinamiki gravitatsionnogo obogashcheniya poleznykh iskopaemykh [The study of hydrodynamics of gravity dressing of minerals]. Vestnik IrGTU [Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University], Irkutsk: ISTU Publ., 2015, No. 3, pp. 194–199.

4.   Gron'  V.A. et al. Novye vozmozhnosti dlya ochistki stochnykh vod ugol'nykh mestorozhdenii [New opportunities for sewage treatment of coal deposits]. Vestnik IrGTU [ Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University], 2012. No. 9 (68). pp. 183–189.

5.   Karlina A.I. Izuchenie struktury vnutrennikh techenii i volnovogo dvizheniya vodnogo i vzvesenesushchego potoka [A study of the structure of internal currents and the wave motion of an aqueous and suspension-carrying flow]. Vestnik IrGTU [Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University], Irkutsk: ISTU Publ., 2015, No. 4, pp. 137–145.

6.   Yastrebov K.L., Dykusov G.E., Karlina A.I. Problem solution of reagent free complex preparation and natural water & sewage purification. Science and Education, Material of the VI international research and practice conference, June 27th – 28th, 2014, Munich, Germany, 2014, pp. 518–524.

7.   Yastrebov K.L., Dykusov G.E., Karlina A.I. Improved modes reagentless comprehensive preparation and purification of natural and waste waters. Science and Education. Material of the VII international research and practice conference, October 29th – 30th, 2014, Munich, Germany, 2014, pp. 241–245.

8.   Yastrebov K.L., Dykusov G.E., Karlina A.I. Elaboration of technology and the way of reagent free complex preparation and purification of natural water & sewage. Science and Education, Material of the V international research and practice conference, Vol. II, February 27th – 28th, 2014, Munich, Germany, 2014. Germany : Rublishing office Vela Verlag Waldkraiburg –Munich, 2014, pp. 392–401.

9.   Korostovenko V.V. et al. Tekhnologiya ochistki stochnykh vod gidroliznykh proizvodstv [Technology of wastewater treatment of hydrolysis industries]. Vestnik IrGTU [Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University], 2013, No. 7 (78), pp. 105–109.

10. Yastrebov K.L. et al. Podgotovka i ochistka prirodnykh i stochnykh vod [Preparation and purification of natural and waste water]. Irkutsk: ISTU Publ., 2014, 564 p.

11. Karlina A.I. Issledovanie raboty gidroelevatorov i beznapornogo samotechnogo transporta [nvestigation of the operation of hydroelevators and gravity free gravity transport]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System analysis. Modeling], 2014, No.4, pp. 62–69.

12. Sysoev I.A., Kondrat'ev V.V., Rzhechitskii A.E. Issledovanie primeneniya effekta Koandy dlya separatsii tselevoi fraktsii mikrochastits kvartsa [Investigation of the application of the Coanda effect for separation of the target fraction of quartz microparticles]. Vestnik IrGTU [Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University], 2011, No. 11 (58), pp. 174–178.

13. Kondrat'ev V.V.  et al. Novye tekhnologicheskie resheniya po pererabotke otkhodov kremnievogo i alyuminievogo proizvodstv [New technological solutions for waste processing of silicon and aluminum industries]. Metallurg [Metallurgist], No. 5,  2013, pp. 92–95.

14. Kondrat'ev V.V.  et al. Estestvennaya aeratsiya strui i potokov proizvodstv [Natural aeration of jets and streams of productions]. Vestnik IrGTU [Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University], 2015, No. 10, pp. 80–87.

15. Kondrat'ev V.V., Nemarov A.A., Rzhechitskii A.E., Ivanov N.A., Lebedev N.V. Sposob izvlecheniya nanorazmernykh chastits iz tekhnogennykh otkhodov proizvodstva flotatsiei [The method of extraction of nanosized particles from technogenic wastes produced by flotation]. Patent RF 2500480. Published Dec. 10, 2013.

16. Rzhechitskii E.P., Kondrat'ev V.V. Sposob vydeleniya uglerodnykh nanochastits iz tekhnogennogo uglerodistogo materiala [Method for the isolation of carbon nanoparticles from technogenic carbonaceous material]. Patent RF 2578319. Applied Nov. 21, 2014 ; published Mar. 27, 2016.

17. Nemarov A.A., Lebedev N.V. Razrabotka nauchnykh osnov povysheniya proizvoditel'nosti flotatsionnykh mashin i otsenka ikh ekonomicheskoi effektivnosti [Nemarov AA, Lebedev NV Development of scientific bases for increasing the productivity of flotation machines and assessing their economic efficiency]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System analysis. Modeling], 2015, No. 3 (47), pp. 79–82.

18. Nemarov A.A., Lebedev N.V., Karlina Yu.I. Teoreticheskie i eksperimental'nye issledovaniya parametrov pnevmogidravlicheskikh aeratorov [Theoretical and experimental studies of the parameters of pneumohydraulic aerators]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System analysis. Modeling], 2015, No. 4 (48), pp. 44–50.

19. Druzhinina T.Ya., Nemarov A.A., Nebogin S.A. Osnovnye tipy konstruktsii otsadochnykh mashin [The main types of jigging machine designs].  Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System analysis. Modeling], 2016, No. 3 (51), pp. 88–92.

20. Ivanchik N., Kondrat'ev V., Chesnokova A. Use of Nanosilica Recovered from the Finely Dispersed By-product of the Electrothermal Silicon Production for Concrete Modification : 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering, ICIE 2016. Procedia Engineering, 2016, Vol. 150, pp. 1567–1573.

21. Ivanchik N.N. et al. Otsenka primeneniya produktov pererabotki otkhodov kremniya v kachestve ul'tradispersnykh aktiviruyushchikh flyusov dlya dugovoi svarki [Evaluation of the application of silicon waste processing products as ultra-dispersive activating fluxes for arc welding]. Vestnik IrGTU [Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University], 2016, Vol. 20, No. 12 (119), pp. 165–172.

22. Ivanov N.A., Balanovskii A.E., Ivanchik N.N., Karlina A.I. Uluchshenie svoistv serogo chuguna kremniidioksid i uglerodnymi nanostrukturami [Improvement of the properties of gray cast iron silicon dioxide and carbon nanostructures]. Zhurn. Sibir. feder. un-ta. Ser.: Tekhnika i tekhnologii [Journal of Siberian Federal University. Series: Engineering and Technologies], 2016, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 671–685.

23. Kondrat'ev V.V., Karlina A.I., Nemarov A.A., Ivanov N.N. Rezul'taty teoreticheskikh i prakticheskikh issledovanii flotatsii nanorazmernykh kremniisoderzhashchikh struktur [Results of theoretical and practical studies of flotation of nanoscale silicon-containing structures]. Zhurn. Sibir. feder. un-ta. Ser.: Tekhnika i tekhnologii [Journal of Siberian Federal University. Series: Engineering and Technologies], 2016. Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 657–670.

24. Kondrat'ev V.V., Rzhechitskii E.P., Balanovskii A.E., Ivanchik N.N. Sposob modifitsirovaniya chuguna [Method for modifying cast iron]. Patent RF 2588965. No. 2015106439/02 ; applied Feb. 25, 2015 ; published Jul. 10, 2016, Bull. 19.

25. Kondrat'ev V.V. et al. Pererabotka i primenenie melkodispersnykh otkhodov kremnievogo proizvodstva v stroitel'stve [Processing and application of fine waste of silicon production in construction]. Olon Ulsyn Betony XIV BAGA KhURAL : materialy mezhdunar. stroit. Simpoziuma [Olon Ulsyn Betony XIV BAGA KhURAL: Materials of the International construction       symposium]. Mongoliya, 2015, pp. 105–114.

26. Kuz'min M.P. et al. Vozmozhnost' polucheniya splavov sistemy Al-Si s ispol'zovaniem amorfnogo mikrokremnezema [The possibility of obtaining alloys of the Al-Si system using amorphous microsilica]. Metallurg [Metallurgist], 2017, No. 1, pp. 101–105.

27. Kuz’min M.P. et al. Possibility of preparing alloys of the Al–Si system using amorphous microsilica. Metallurgist. 2017, Vol. 61, pp. 86–91.

28. Kuz'min M.P., Zhalsanov B.G. Issledovanie termodinamicheskoi vozmozhnosti vosstanovleniya alyuminiem kremniya iz amorfnogo mikrokremnezema [Investigation of the thermodynamic possibility of aluminum reduction of silicon from amorphous microsilica]. Perspektivy razvitiya tekhnologii pererabotki uglevodorodnykh, rastitel'nykh i mineral'nykh resursov : materialy dokl. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem [Prospects for the development of technology for the processing of hydrocarbon, plant and mineral resources: materials of the reports of the scientific and practical conference with international participation]. Irkutsk, 2017, pp. 46–48.

29. Kuz'min M.P. et al. Poluchenie siluminov s ispol'zovaniem amorfnogo mikrokremnezema [Preparation of silumins using amorphous microsilica]. Perspektivy razvitiya tekhnologii pererabotki uglevodorodnykh, rastitel'nykh i mineral'nykh resursov : materialy dokl. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem [Prospects for the development of technology for the processing of hydrocarbon, plant and mineral resources: the materials of the reports of the scientific and practical conference with international participation]. Irkutsk, 2017, pp. 48–50.

30. Kuz'min M.P., Kondrat'ev V.V. Razrabotka sposoba polucheniya siluminov s ispol'zovaniem mikro- i nanochastits dioksida kremniya [Development of a method for the production of silumin with the use of micro- and nanoparticles of silicon dioxide]. Tsvetnye metally i mineraly–2016 : sb. tezisov dokl. VIII Mezhdunar. kongressa [Non-ferrous metals and minerals-2016: a collection of abstracts of the reports of the VIII International Congress]. Krasnoyarsk, 2016, pp. 170–171.

31. V.V. Kondrat'ev et al. Nanostruktury i alyuminievaya promyshlennost' [Nanostructures and aluminum industry]. Vestnik IrGTU [Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University], 2015, No. 8, pp. 77–85.