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Номер журнала (Том): 
621.3.077, 681.51


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Stable operation of electric power systems (EPS) depends on many factors, including the selection of setting automatic excitation regulators (AER) of synchronous generators. In today's EPS, in the context of widespread development and use of the power semi-conductor technology as well as distributed generation plants, the problems of determining the optimal (acceptable) setting factors of the AER synchronous generators to ensure the requirements of sustainability and quality of transient processes are still relevant. The development and modernization of the AER generator setting technologies requires careful analysis of the methods applied, the overview of which is given in the article. The analysis concluded that the development of algorithms for the experimental AER setting and frequency response curves of D-decomposition is promising and requires further research. The paper also provides a search algorithm for a vector of permissible settings for the AER generators within the linear range of restrictions based on the gradient method for solving a system of linear inequalities, allowing us to ensure stable operation of the electric power system, and when combined with predictive algorithms, it will provide the necessary margin of stability and good damping properties of regulators without time-consuming optimization procedures.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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