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The article presents a review of existing cat a real Mace task feasibility, the result of using the technology NVIDIA CUDA. Examines the main approaches to the parallelization of real rooms the method both full and local search. The description of these developed by the author of the article, the nano at the local search algorithm. The most current implementation, all with the help of the GPU. Also, given real numbers of local search method developed by the author. Open the tools developed using the tool HpcSoMasFramework. Using this service, provide a large number of experiments, the results of which were processed in automatic mode. The service showed its performance significantly and post the experiments. Given the chic algorithm, a plan for implementation. Way to open the scoring algorithm with the use of graphics URL. Describes one of the variants of the memory allocation between the Central and graphics processor. Give a description of the service to automate the solving of problems, the Mace feasibility and treatment results. This service provides access to Alan wise resource provides the interface plates for the formation of the task at the user's request, monitors execution of the job and notifies the user of the status of the request. Another way Funky designed service is the possibility of statistic processing of the obtained results and visualize the values of interest in a graph. In KL-Italy part of the article will be presented the experimental results obtained through the service Pan. The Dalai areas of research include the extension of functionalities of the service, and the development of additional tools for the solution of a discrete combination of tasks based on the SB-approach.

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