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Ivanov V. S., Mel’nichenko O. V., Durnykh V. V. Mathematical modeling of a traction transformer of an alternating current electric train of the ED9E series in a simulation environment MATLAB Simulink. Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling, 2018, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 57–68. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.3(59).57-68.

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Traction transformer of AC multiple unit is one of the most important elements of the traction drive, on which the electromagnetic processes in the rectifier-inverter converter and traction motors depend in the traction and regenerative braking modes. 

This article presents mathematical modeling of a traction transformer of type ODTSE-2000 / 25B-U1, used on modern electric trains of alternating current of series ED9E and EP3D. Using the mathematical model of the electric train traction transformer, experiments are conducted in the idle run and short circuit modes necessary for comparing the characteristics of a mathematical model with those of a real traction transformer.  To carry out the simulation, differential equations of electromagnetic and transient processes of the electric train traction transformer are introduced. The mathematical model of the transformer is supplemented by the introduction of magnetic characteristics of the core, which makes it possible to maximize the flow of electromagnetic processes in it.  As a result, a mathematical model of the traction transformer for the electric trains ED9E and EP3D was obtained, as well as the electromagnetic processes of the idling and short-circuit test of the traction transformer, which, according to the results, can be claimed to match the characteristics of the mathematical model with the characteristics of the real traction transformer when comparing them.

The developed mathematical model of the traction transformer will make it possible to obtain electromagnetic processes close to the real ones that occur in the traction drive of an alternating current electric train in traction and regenerative braking regimes.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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