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Ivankova L. N., Burakova A. V. Determination of carrying capacity of stations taking into account the length of the railway tracks. Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling, 2018, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 92–98. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.3(59).92-98.

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The article analyzes the methods of calculation of station tracks and carrying capacity of stations. It is revealed that the existing methods are not focused on determining the number of receiving and departure tracks of a certain length. At the same time, the presence of trains of different lengths in the structure of the train flow imposes specific requirements for the development of the stations. In order to successfully handle the entire flow of trains with the maximum use of all available technical equipment, it is necessary to have a real idea of the available capacity of the station. Therefore, at the junction and technical stations it is necessary to have the receiving and departure tracks of different lengths. The use of simulation allows taking into account many factors of the railway facility, but due to the high complexity of this method, it is desirable to use analytical dependencies for preliminary assessment of the capacity.

If the flow of trains is not regulated, the degree of use of station tracks will be reduced, since the tracks of the required useful length will not always be free to receive a train. Adjustable flow in the dispatching control of train traffic increases the degree of use of the capacity of track development. It is proposed to take into account the differentiation of track lengths at the station, as well as the share of trains of different lengths in the total train flow of the station.

The authors formulated a method of calculating the capacity of stations taking into account the number and capacity of track development, which is especially important when handling trains of increased length on the direction. With this technique, it is possible to adequately assess the existing reserves and plan the operational work of the station, as well as to plan further measures to strengthen the capacity of the track development of the station.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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