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Zakaryukin V. P., Kryukov A. V. Three-phase and single-phase power supply systems with Steinmetz converters. Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling, 2018, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 98–107. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.3(59).98-107.

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In rural electrical networks three-phase and single-phase electriсal power transmission lines are applied, and for electrical power supply of remote customers power lines (PL) "wire – earth" are used. The efficiency of systems constructed with use of single-phase transmissions can be increased by three-phase – single-phase Steinmetz circuit.

The Steinmetz circuit allows us to symmetrize single-phase and two-phase loadings and to implement reactive power compensation. With its help it is possible to provide complete use of three-phase transformer rated power. The carried out calculations showed low sensitivity of this scheme to errors of parameters’ regulation. The Steinmetz circuit can be applied for obtaining the symmetric three-phase voltage system from a single-phase source.

To implement the Steinmetz circuit, it is necessary to create computer simulation of their modes. Such technol-ogies were created on the basis of methods and means of electrical system mode simulation in phase coordinates developed in Irkutsk State Transport University.

Simulation results of electrical power supply system’s modes with the single-phase power lines show that power losses in the “wire – earth” line become less than in the two-wire power line when power line extent exceeds 25 km. If a line length exceeds 30 km, then electric system with power line "wire – earth" becomes more effective by criterion of voltage deviations. The negative sequence asymmetry coefficient on 0,4 kV buses of receiving substation is equal to 0,2 % in both variants, and zero sequence is close to zero.

Информация о статье: 

Закарюкин В. П. Трехфазно-однофазные системы электроснабжения с преобразователями Штейнмеца / В. П. Закарюкин, А. В. Крюков // Современные технологии. Системный анализ. Моделирование. – 2018. – Т. 59, № 3. – С. 98–107. – DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.3(59).98-107.

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