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62.752, 621:534.833; 888.6
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Abstract. The problem of the possibility of isolating is discussed structures in mechanical oscillatory systems that possess a greater set of dynamic properties than ordinary partial system. Regular structures of this type consist of two mass-inertial elements connected by a spring (dyads). A methodological basis is proposed for evaluating the properties of a dyad in isolation from external relations. For the construction of mathematical models of dyads, a method of structural mathematical modeling is used, within which an oscillating system is associated with a dynamically equivalent structural diagram of the automatic control system. In the formats of the methodology of structural mathematical modeling, a technology is proposed for constructing structural schemes, their equivalent transformations, and for obtaining transfer functions from external power disturbances considered as an input signal.

Concepts about inter-partial transfer functions are introduced. A feature of the proposed development is the study of the variety of dynamic states that arise during one-time action of two harmonic forces, functionally related to each other.

Number of new dynamic effects reflecting the fundamental properties of the dyad are considered, which determine the properties of mechanical oscillatory systems formed under conditions of superimposing bonds with support surfaces. Cases of interaction leading to instability of states are considered. The main idea of the research is to develop the possibilities of managing dynamic systems by creating conditions for the appearance of the connectivity of motions on individual coordinates (in this case – two) reflecting the properties of self-organization of interactions of elements of dyads.

The results of the work are of interest to specialists in the field of machine dynamics, robotics, mechatronics and molecular mechanics.

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