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Shastin V. I., Kargapol'tsev S. K., Permyakov A. G. Modifitsirovanie poverkhnostei konstruktsionnykh materialov: oborudovanie i metodika issledovaniya tribologicheskikh parametrov [Modification of the surfaces of constructional materials: equipment and research technique of tribological parameters]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Si-stemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2018, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 31–38. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2018.4(60).31-38

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The article focuses upon the topical issues of the study of tribological indicators of a modified surface layer of machine parts for most types of contacting friction elements used in mechanical engineering. It presents options for laboratory tribotechnical equipment for assessing the impact of various types of surface modification on the mechanism of wear. The design features, the main technical characteristics of the equipment and research guidelines for various types of wear, such as contact friction–slip, a ring–cylinder liner friction pair and a pair of shaft–plain friction bearing, are provided. The equipment design allows for the possibility of testing at different levels of load in the contact zone and lubrication conditions. The options and possibility of conducting accelerated tests, among other things, when using fragments of parts of real engineering products, are also considered. To expand the functionality of the equipment and research methods, as well as to obtain reliable data during their processing, a comparative analysis method has been adopted, taking into account the introduced differences as a result of the modification. The most acceptable methods and means of control of the main tribological indicators have been proposed and tested. On the basis of the system analysis of the obtained experimental data, it becomes possible to visually and objectively interpret the interaction of the technological modification parameters under study on the main characteristics of wear. Using the example of studying the effect of laser modifying methods on the main indicators of wear resistance, we obtained a wide range of objective experimental data, confirmed, subsequently, in the operation of real products. Due to the accepted research methodology and the use of the proposed equipment, along with the obtained research results, significant for practical purposes, it has been established that the greatest wear resistance is observed in the friction units with mutual laser modification and mating surfaces.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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5.      Shastin V.I., Eliseev S.V. Kontseptsiya integrirovannogo mnogoprofil'nogo ispol'zovaniya lazernykh tekhnologii na promyshlennykh predpriyatiyakh [The concept of microlevel analysis of the physicomechanical properties of modified surfaces]. Sistemy. Metody. Tekhnologii [Systems. Methods. Technologies], 2015, No. 2 (26), pp. 13-17.

6.      Shastin V.I., Kargapol'tsev S.K. Kontseptsiya mikrourovnevogo analiza fiziko-mekhanicheskikh svoistv modifitsirovannykh poverkhnostei [Ways to improve the efficiency of laser thermal strengthening of iron-carbon alloys]. Sistemy. Metody. Tekhnologii [Systems. Methods. Technologies], 2015, No. 2 (26), pp. 13-17.

7.      Shastin V.I. Puti povysheniya effektivnosti lazernogo termouprochneniya zhelezouglerodistykh splavov [Ways to improve the efficiency of laser thermal strengthening of iron-carbon alloys]. Vestnik Altaiskogo GAU [Bulletin of the Altai State Agrarian University], 2015, No. 11 (133), pp. 117-121.

8.      Shastin V.I., Kargapol'tsev S.K. Lazernoe termouprochnenie pary treniya DVS «kol'tso-gil'za tsilindra» [Laser thermal strengthening of a friction pair of an internal combustion engine “ring-cylinder sleeve”]. Izvestiya Transsiba [Journal of Transsib Railway Studies], 2016, No. 2 (26), pp. 61-70.

9.      Shastin V.I., Kargapol'tsev S.K. Lazernoe modifitsirovanie sopryagaemykh poverkhnostei treniya [Laser modification of mating friction surfaces]. Vestnik SamGUPS, 2016, No. 3 (33), pp. 27-33.

10.    Shastin V.I., Kargapol'tsev S.K. Lazernaya modifikatsiya poverkhnostei tribologicheskikh sopryazhenii [Laser modification of the surfaces of tribological interfaces]. Vestnik mashinostroeniya [Russian Engineering Research]. 2017, No. 6, pp. 50-54.

11.    Shastin V.I., Kargapoltsev S.K., Sitov I.S. Lazer termo-strengthening friction surface. Journal of Advanced Research in Technical Science. North Charleston, USA:SRC MS, CreateSpace, 2016, Issue 1, 96 p.

12. Shastin V.I., Kargapoltcev S.K., Gozbenko V.E., Livshits A.V. Filippenko N.G. Results of the Complex Studies of Microstructural, Physical and Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials Using Innovative Methods. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (2017), Vol. 12, No. 24, pp. 15269-15272.

13. Shastin V.I., Kargapoltsev S.K., Gozbenko V.E., Livshits A.V., and Filippenko N.G. Lazer Alloying of Wear Surfaces with Metal Components. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 12, Number 17 (2017), pp. 6499-6503.

14. Shastin V.I., Konovalov N.P. Tekhnologicheskoe obespechenie protsessov lazernogo modifitsirovaniya poverkhnostei kon-struktsionnykh splavov: monografiya [Technological support of the processes of laser modification of the surfaces of structural alloys: a monograph]. Irkutsk: INRTU Publ., 2016,164 p.

15. Shastin V.I., Kargapol'tsev S.K. Ob integratsii tekhnologii lazernogo modifitsirovaniya na predpriyatiyakh OAO «RZhD» [On the integration of laser modification technologies at the enterprises of Russian Railways]. Vestnik Vserossiiskogo nauchn. Issled. i proektno-konstr. instituta elektrovozostroeniya [Bulletin of the All-Russian Scientific Research and Design Institute of Electric Locomotives], 2016, No.3 (73), pp. 53-60.