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Larchenko A. G., Filippenko N. G., Livshits A. V. Vysokochastotnaya elektrotermicheskaya avtomatizirovannaya tekhnologiya povysheniya kachestva polimernykh izdelii slozhnoi konfiguratsii [High-frequency electrothermal automated technology of improving the quality of polymeric products of complex configuration]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 8–13. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.1(61).8–13

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This scientific paper considers the process of improving the quality of products made of polymeric materials by means of the effect of high-frequency radiation on the object of control and the detection of defects of various kinds and nature in an automated mode. The authors of the article present the range of products made of polymer composite materials used in the new-generation rolling stock, address the issue of non-destructive testing and improving the performance properties of parts in the modern production process, and give the grounds for choosing the high-frequency diagnostic method as the most suitable for improving quality manufacturing and during repair work. This article describes the development of an automated process control system for high-frequency control on an industrial scale. Research and development of the automation system is carried out on the basis of a device for diagnosing high-frequency currents, which was developed and patented by the authors as part of this study. The article provides a method for determining the input diagnostic parameters. Also, the work presents flowcharts of the control process monitoring algorithm when performing preparatory operations and directly when detecting defects such as "air inclusion", "moisture content", "metal inclusion". The acclimatization mode is described. The operation of the blocks of the phase state control mode and the mode of control of the dynamics of the inception of partial discharges is explained. The article touches upon the problem of restoring the operational properties of products and improving quality in an automated mode on completing of the diagnostic process. The authors present the sequence of operation of the information processing unit, describe the completion of the management system shutdown, and provide conclusions.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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5. Larchenko A. G. Avtomatizirovannoe vyyavlenie defektov v izdeliyakh iz poliamidnykh materialov metodom vysokochastotnogo izlucheniya [Automated detection of defects in products made of polyamide materials by the method of high-frequency radiation]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling], 2014. No.41, pp. 160 – 165.
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7. Filippenko N. G., Larchenko A. G., Livshits A. V. Innovatsionnyi metod diagnostiki izdelii iz polimernykh materialov [Innovative method for diagnosing products from polymeric materials]. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Transportnaya infrastruktura Sibirskogo regiona [Collection of scientific papers. Transport infrastructure of the Siberian region], 2013. No.2, pp. 437 – 440.
8. Larchenko A. G., Filippenko N. G., Popov S. I., Livshits A. V. Issledovanie vliyaniya dielektricheskikh elementov rabochego kondensatora v vysokochastotnoi elektrotermicheskoi ustanovke na protsess obrabotki polimernykh materialov [Investigation of the influence of dielectric elements of a working capacitor in a high-frequency electrothermal installation on the processing of polymer materials]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling], 2013.
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11. Filippenko N. G., Livshits A. V., Mashovich A. Ya. Avtomatizatsiya protsessa vysokochastotnogo nagreva materialov na promyshlennoi ustanovke UZP 2500 [Automation of the process of high-frequency heating of materials at an industrial unit UZP 2500]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling], 2011. No. 2 (30), pp. 193–198.
12. Larchenko A. G. Sistema avtomatizirovannogo upravleniya vysokochastotnym diagnostirovaniem pri proizvodstve i ekspluatatsii izdelii iz polimernykh materialov: dis. … kand. tekh. nauk [Automated control system for high-frequency diagnostics in the production and operation of products from polymeric materials: Ph.D. (Engineering) diss.]. 05.13.06; Irkutsk, 2014. 164 p.
13. Filippenko N. G. Avtomatizatsiya upravleniya protsessom vysokochastotnoi obrabotki polimernykh materialov: dis. kand. tekh. nauk [Automation of the process control of high-frequency processing of polymeric materials: Ph.D. (Engineering) diss.]. 05.13.06. Irkutsk, 2012. 160 p.
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