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Kryukov A. V., Cherepanov A. V., Shafikov A. R. Snizhenie garmonicheskikh iskazhenii v vysokovol'tnykh setyakh, pitayushchikh tyagovye podstantsii, na osnove aktivnykh fil'trov [Reduction of harmonic distortions in high-voltage networks feeding traction substations based on active filters]. Sovremennyye tekhnologii. Sistemnyy analiz. Modelirovaniye [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 36–46. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.1(61).36–46

Номер журнала (Том): 
621.311, 621.331


Файл статьи: 

Rectifier electric locomotives possess nonlinear current voltage characteristics and generate the upper harmonics into power lines. This results in the following negative effects: decrease in the inventory service life, electricity metering distortion, emergence of resonant processes etc. Therefore, the problem of decrease in levels of harmonic distortions in the networks adjoining traction substations of the alternating-current railroads has the increased relevance. The article presents the results of the researches for the development of methods and means to decrease harmonic distortions in the electrical networks adjoining traction substations of the alternating-current railroads. The technology of the electrical power systems (EPS) operation modeling in phase coordinates is the basis for the nonsinusoidal modes definition technique. At the same time, models of the EPS elements were formed as the trellised schemes which are characterized by full-coherent topology. Parameters of these schemes can be recalulated for frequencies of the upper harmonics. The modeling was carried out in relation to the power supply system including eight traction substations. Results of the modeling allow drawing a conclusion that permissible values of total coefficients of voltage harmonics are reached after installation of the fissile filters from two parts of each intersubstation zone (IZ), except IZ on which passive filters are mounted. Near-complete compensation of harmonic distortions is reached after installation of filters from two parts of each IZ. Similar results can be obtained after installation of three-phase filters on the 220 kV buses of traction substations of the site. However, such option will involve higher costs. Besides, threephase devices differ in more complex system of management and smaller reliability.

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