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Krol N. V., Poletaev A. S., Upyr R. Yu., Dudakova A. V. Tehnologiya postroeniya optimalnogo marshruta pri organizacii multimodalnyh passazhirskih perevozok s uchetom vybora mesta prebyvaniya [A Technology of the Optimal Route Searching in Multimodal Passenger Transportation Systems with Consideration for a Place to Stay]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 109–118. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.2(62).109–118

Номер журнала (Том): 
656.02; 656.072


Файл статьи: 

The article discusses criteria of the optimal route searching; the analysis was made to take into account an urbanistic character of the multimodal transport system. In most cases, the optimal route is the shortest, most comfortable or most low-cost one. The suggested algorithm searches the minimum-cost route for travelling from the passenger location point to a place of stay taking into account his personal preferences. A set of program modules has been designed in LabVIEW in order to automate the process of selecting a passenger’s place of stay and searching for the optimal route for urban environment. The designed software provides the personalization of comfort level to a passenger for each transport mode. Then it finds hotels for the passenger’s criteria: remoteness from the seashore or the city center, hotel room cost and its comfort class. It is optional to sort the results by ascending of the total fare, time, or comfort level of travel to a certain place in a city. It can be a place where the passenger works in case of a business trip or it also can be a shopping mall. After that the program calculates all possible routes and finds the optimal one with minimum cost, travelling time, or maximum comfort level averaged for the whole route. The criteria which the passenger chooses to build a route predetermine the way the algorithm works, thereby offering a unique travel option for a specific user of our software. Simulation results showed high efficiency of the suggested algorithm.

Список цитируемой литературы: 
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