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Boginskii S. A., Mel'nichenko O. V., Lin'kov A. O. Povyshenie koeffitsienta moshchnosti elektrovozov peremennogo toka za schet novoi organizatsii setevoi kommutatsii plech VIP [Increasing AC locomotive power factor by reorganizing line commutation of the RIC arms]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 62, No. 2. Pp. 166–177. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.2(62).166–177

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The paper presents an analysis of the existing experience in discharge diode arm application in domestic alternating current electric locomotives to increase traction mode energy performance. A new engineering solution in discharge arm application is proposed that represents further development of the principle and implies reorganization of converter thyristor arms control algorithm. Positive effect of the new solution lies not only in the rectifier-inverter converter (RIC) thyristor arms commutation acceleration, but also includes direct application of electromagnetic energy stored in post-rectification circuit that is used to turn off thyristor arms after their work period through the discharge diode arm. A comparative mathematical modeling of traction mode electromagnetic processes of typical and proposed converters is conducted and displayed by figures and a summary table. The proposed RIC was researched with different turn on angle values set to 9, 15, 20 and 26 electrical degrees. Analysis of the results revealed the highest positive effect at 26 electrical degrees as the discharge arm completely turns off the thyristor arms. Obtained research results are organized into a list of conclusions. RIC thyristor arms commutation is three times faster with a discharge arm and a turn on angle value of 26 electrical degrees as opposed to a type converter, which can be explained by ensuring excessive potential conditions for thyristors and their stable work. The new commutation organization changes the function of turn on angle, which becomes a control impulse responsible for switching RIC thyristor arms from turn off to turn on state while also excluding a possibility of a short-circuit inside power transformer secondary winding sections. The modeling data obtained makes it possible to conclude that a positive effect is achieved in a form of 3.8 % higher electric locomotive power coefficient and 4,5 % lower power loss in the RIC thyristor arms.

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