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Poltavskaya J. O., Gozbenko V. E., Dimov A. V., Lytkina Y. M. Kontseptsiya opredeleniya srednikh skorostei i prodolzhitel'nosti dvizheniya na uchastkakh ulichno-dorozhnoi seti [The concept of determining average speeds and travel time on the street and road network areas]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 62, No. 2. Pp. 220–226. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.2(62).220–226

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From the analysis of literary sources, it follows that the total duration of movement can be defined as “the time required for a route to pass between two points”, while the duration of movement on a route consists of travel time or the time during which the vehicle moves, and the time of delay, or time, during which the vehicle was stationary (or moved rather slowly, that is, the speed was less than five km / h). Collecting data on the characteristics of the movement of vehicles is a key step when conducting transport inspections. These main characteristics include the duration of movement, the delay during travel and the speed of movement. In some cases, duration of movement on a certain part of the street and road network can be determined based on the value of the average speed. The article discusses the concepts of average temporal and average spatial velocities, showing the relationship between these types of average velocities. The analysis of the calculation of speed parameters using the time of movement as input data has been carried out. That helped to identify the main differences between the considered speeds. It has also been established that the difference between these two values of speed becomes less noticeable as the speed increases. As a result, it is proposed to use the average spatial velocity when performing calculations of average velocities based on the duration of movement.

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