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Klimov N. N., Ermakov A. A., Pomerantsev D. Yu. Razrabotka akusticheskogo metoda opredeleniya napryazhenno-go sostoyaniya rel'sov na besstykovom zheleznodorozhnom puti. [Development of an acoustic method for determining the stress state of rails on a continuous railway trac]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 75–81. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.3(63).75–81

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The problem of diagnosing the stress state of the continuous welded track, which currently exists, does not provide real-time monitoring. This leads to the track buckling that result in to the train derailments. In this paper it is proposed to use a «Durability» device which was developed by a group of employees of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute to diagnose the stress state of the continuous welded track. This device allows determining the spectrum of natural oscillations of the continuous track that arise in the form of longitudinal, transverse and flexural rail waves in order to determine their stress state. This work provides formulas for various types of waves and estimations of their values for a continuous welded track in a free state. The frequencies in the range from 300 Hz to 5500 Hz and velocities from 719 m/s to 3300 m/s were recorded when measuring the frequency and velocity of waves on a continuous welded track. This indicates excitation in the rail bar with a side impact of transverse and flexural waves. The use of this device is possible after a more detailed study of the stress state of the continuous welded track under the conditions of its stretching, compression and zero voltages of a set of spectrum types, which will vary depending on the real stresses. Assuming that the buckling occurs due to a flexural wave with a buckling duration of about 0.2 sec and a buckling half-wave size of about 40 m, this gives a frequency of 5 Hz, a wavelength of 80 m and, accordingly, a speed of 400 m/s. Comparison with the speed estimate for a given frequency using the formula for flexural waves (4) results in a value of about 100 m/s. Such a significant difference demonstrates that the theoretical description of the buckling process for real conditions requires additional studies and measurements of the characteristics that determine the mechanical properties of the ballast prism, rails, and the interaction of the sleeper with the ballast.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

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