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Gubarev P. V., Glazunov D. V., Shapshal A. S. Issledovanie resursa poluprovodnikovykh priborov preobrazovatelei elektrovozov [Research on the resource of semiconductor converters of electric locomotives]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 112–119. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.3(63).112–119

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The article studies the resource of semiconductor devices of electric locomotive converters. The thermal resistance of semiconductor devices of electric locomotive converters (for example, DL153 (VL200)) should not exceed 0.55 ° C/W (about 50% of the diodes have an internal open-circuit fault). However, if its resource tends to zero, it is almost impossible to detect this with the help of modern methods for monitoring voltage drops and class determination. It is possible to determine the residual life of semiconductor devices, preventing failures on the line, only with the help of thermal resistance. To determine the temperature regimes of the power diode, a heating temperature meter with a contact sensor was designed and manufactured. A heating temperature meter with a contact sensor was tested by measuring the temperature of heated diodes. To reduce failures of rectifier units in operation, a method has been developed for determining the residual life of semiconductor devices of electric locomotive converters. This technique significantly improves the reliability of semiconductor devices and provides a significant economic effect from the timely change of diodes. The article considers the principle of operation of the device for measuring thermal resistance. The authors propose the dependence of the thermal resistance of the power diodes of a locomotive rectifier installation on the operating time. The analysis of the work shows that with an increase in the locomotive’s mileage, the thermal resistance of the diodes increases, but within the observed mileage it does not reach dangerous values. The results of measurements of the thermal resistance of the diodes, obtained using the described device, confirm the above relation with an error not exceeding 10%.

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