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Filippenko N. G., Bychkovsky V. S., Bakanin D. V., Kuraitis A. S. Algoritm zapolneniya smazkoy kassetnykh podshipnikov buksovykh uzlov ekspluatiruyemykh v usloviyakh Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka [The algorithm for filling with grease cartridge bearings axle equipment operating in conditions of Siberia and the far East]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 180–187. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.3(63).180–187

Номер журнала (Том): 
681.587.78, 621.822.1, 620.178.162


Файл статьи: 

Assembly of cassette bearings is carried out by the manufacturer in strict accordance with the developed technology with the help of automated and automatic production lines. The used equipment, materials and initial parameters of technological processes are not disclosed by manufacturers. Therefore, the authors point to a somewhat paradoxical situation, especially during the actuation of failed warranty cassette bearings. studies have shown that: - about 7% of the uncoupling repairs associated with the failure of the cassette bearings, account for the reasons associated with the wrong method of filling them with grease, and the lack of information about the technologies of Assembly of cassette bearings does not allow to fully analyze the causes of malfunctions and develop measures to eliminate them. It is also noted that the existing methods of filling bearings with grease do not take into account the operating conditions of regions with large temperature gradients, and - the imperfection of existing methods requires the development of a new algorithm for filling bearings with grease, taking into account weather conditions. This paper presents an algorithm developed by the authors to fill the cassette bearings with grease for working conditions in the Siberian and far Eastern regions. The calculation of the volume filling takes into account the heating of the bearing, its cooling, lubrication watering, manufacturing accuracy the Introduction of the technological process developed by the authors of the algorithm of filling the bearings with grease can solve the problems of their operation in the regions of Siberia and the Far East. Also this algorithm will allow to develop technologies of repair and restoration of bearings with reasonable filling them with lubricant and taking into account design features of bearings and climatic conditions of their operation that will save up to 7% of uncoupling repairs connected with malfunctions of cassette bearings of a axle Assembly of a rolling stock.

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