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Buyakova N. V., Kryukov A. V., Seredkin D. A. Modelirovaniye elektromagnitnykh poley, voznikayushchikh v me-stakh peresecheniya tyagovykh setey i vozdushnykh liniy elektrope-redachi [Modeling electromagnetic fields arising in places of intersection of traction networks and overhead power transmission lines]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2019. Vol. 64, No. 4. Pp. 138–147. DOI: 10.26731/1813-9108.2019.4(64). 138-147

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25-kV traction networks (TN) create increased electromagnetic fields (EMF) with a frequency of 50 Hz, the tension of which at a standard height of 1.8 m, as a rule, does not exceed the permissible standards for electrical personnel. In places where railways intersect with high-voltage overhead power transmission lines, the fields created by the traction network and power lines overlap. This can result in an increase in tension and a complication of the spatial structures of the electromagnetic field. Enhanced electromagnetic fields can generate interference, causing disturbances in the normal functioning of electrical and electronic devices, as well as adversely affect personnel working in areas of joint electromagnetic exposure to vehicles and power tranmission lines. The article presents a methodology for determining the stresses created at intersections, and simulation results performed for a standard situation when a 220-kV overhead power transmission line crosses a TN of 25 or 2x25 kV at an angle of 90 degrees. The algorithm for calculating the resulting EMF strengths includes the following steps: to calculate the TN and power transmission lines in phase coordinates, the results of which determine the potentials and currents of all wires; to calculate the vertical and horizontal components of the EMF strengths; to calculate amplitude values of the strengths at the intersection taking into account possible elliptical polarization. The strengths were determined using the Fazonord software package. The simulation results showed that the maxima of the amplitudes of the magnetic field strength at the intersection of the 25-kV traction network and 220-kV power lines reach 83 A/m. A similar parameter for the electric field is 5.4 kV/m. For a 2×25 kV traction network, these values are reduced to 32 A/m and 4 kV/m, respectively.

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