Optimization of the freight rolling stock technical operation sys-tem when organizing intensive through fixed-route transportation

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Kashkovsky V. V., Tikhii I. I., Argalant A., Askarov A. R., Baatar I. Optimizatsiya sistemy tekhnicheskoy ekspluatatsii gruzovogo va-gonnogo sostava pri organizatsii intensivnykh skvoznykh marshrutnykh perevozok [Optimization of the freight rolling stock technical operation system when organizing intensive through fixed-route transportation]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 50–59. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).50-59

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Railway operational work management is provided in order to ensure the railway transport production activity and is associated with the organization of transportation process. An important component of the freight transport process is the system of technical operation of the freight rolling stock. In this paper we consider the system of technical operation of freight rolling stock when organizing intensive through-route transportation along the mainline. It is obvious that the optimization of this kind of system is an important and urgent national economic problem. The methodology of solving this problem is based on a systematic approach. The result of the work relies on an extensive investigation of models of technical operation systems by a statistical modeling method. As the initial data for the simulation of the operation system, this paper used the statistics on 2398 failures of freight cars with the latest depot servicing, obtained in the Railway Car Depot 8 of the East Siberian Railway, which is a branch of OAO Russian Railways. For this type of cars, a combined standard for the periodicity of depot servicing of freight cars is applied in accordance with the Regulations on the system of maintenance and repair of freight cars admitted to circulation on public railways in international traffic. The regulation was adopted by order of OAO Russian Railways No. 2759r of December 29, 2012. The actual mileage of cars between depot servicing is approximately 160 thousand km. The main scientific and theoretical result of the presented work is a quantitative assessment of the total average daily heading-out of cars for the uncoupling repair CR-2 during the route transportation of the designed railway mainline and provided that the cars are operated under the combined criterion condition. This is a very important practical result in the field of transportation management theory. Previously, problems of this class had no quantitative solution.

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