The process of accidental actuation of freight rolling stock pneumatic brakes

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Ivanov P.Yu., Mikhal'chuk N.P., Makarova E.I., Rolle I.A. Protsess samoproizvol'nogo srabatyvaniya pnevmaticheskikh tormozov gruzovogo podvizhnogo sostava [The process of accidental actuation of freight rolling stock pneumatic brakes]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 60–66. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).60-66

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The article deals with an actual issue of protection from spontaneous actuation of pneumatic brakes for freight trains without identifying the causes. The analysis of statistical data of spontaneous accidental actuations at the section of Mezhdurechensk – Abakan – Taishet. It is clearly shown that the most frequent cases occur on the critical track profile and on the long ascending grades or descents. The article presents an experimental study of pneumatic processes in the diffuser No. 483 by means of a physical model of the train brake system consisting of a brake equipment of the locomotive and two cars. In the process of automated equipment operation, a design flaw was detected in diffuser No. 483, which is generally shown in the broken track profile in the form of accidental actuation of the brakes due to high longitudinal dynamic responses of the train. As practical recommendations, it is proposed to rotate the distributor No. 483 by 45 or 90 degrees from the standard location to eliminate the effects of longitudinal dynamic forces in the moving parts of the diffuser, and as a result, reduce the incidence of accidental actuation. To assess the degree of influence of the additional discharge valve on the pneumatic processes of the braking equipment, the experiment was conducted on an automated bench for the study of dynamic pneumatic processes in Irkutsk State Transport University. This experiment allowed us to investigate the influence of the additional discharge valve on the pressure drop at the brake line of the adjacent car, as the longitudinal dynamic responses of the train have an effect on the movable elements of the main part of the diffuser.

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