Features of application of different types of roadabouts in conditions of large difference in traffic intensities of crossing roads

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Vetrogon A. A., Kripak M. N., Ogryzkov S. V. Osobennosti primeneniya kol'tsevykh peresechenii razlichnogo tipa pri bol'shoi raznitse v intensivnostyakh dvizheniya peresekayushchikhsya dorog [Features of application of different types of roadabouts in conditions of large difference in traffic intensities of crossing roads] Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 92–101. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).92-101

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The article considers main problems of road traffic organization in cities and the main reasons for these problems. The analysis of the main solutions to problems in the organization and traffic management has been completed. The main aspects of the automated traffic control system have been studied in more detail. This solution is the most optimal, but is also the most complex. This system is difficult to implement, so the processes of improving road traffic management schemes continue to be relevant. The use of roundabouts holds a prominent place among these processes. For example, the possibility of using different types of roundabouts is considered by the example of one of the problematic sections of the street-road network of the city of Sevastopol. Traffic flows have been measured at the site under consideration, and the digital model of the street-road network necessary for the analysis of the transport situation has been developed. The imitational simulation was used for this purpose. Four variants of changing the road traffic management scheme were simulated. Among these variants, a roundabout and a turbo roundabout were used. It is shown how the increase in traffic intensity will affect the throughput capacity of the crossing and neighboring areas in question. It was found that the roundabout showed an increase in throughput capacity and average speed of passage. The turbo roundabout made the studied road crossing passage more difficult.


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