The modeling of quality assessment of the public transport service organization

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Bulokhova T. A. Modelirovaniye otsenki kachestva organizatsii transportnogo obsluzhivaniya naseleniya [The modeling of quality assessment of the public transport service organization]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 128–136. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).128-136

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The Strategic Program for Development of Railway Transport up to 2030 emphasizes the development of a customer-centric approach as one of the conditions for competitiveness of the Company. Customer focus is one of the elements of anti-crisis management of transport systems, it gives additional opportunities especially when the volume of transportation is reduced, when it is necessary to fight for clients. The customer-centric approach is closely related to the quality of the organization of transport services for customers (passengers). This principle can be implemented only under the condition of well-tuned feedback channels, by means of which objective and up-to-date assessment of service quality is received from the passenger. To this end, the client service sector and the marketing group of the Federal Passenger Company carry out an analysis of the quality of passenger service with a certain frequency. The author's assessment of the quality of passenger transport services revealed a number of problems in this area. Thus, in marketing studies, the evaluation is carried out according to six criteria, and employees of the client service sector are evaluated according to four, which violates data comparability, and the periods of the evaluation are not the same. In order to eliminate the identified shortcomings, the author proposes a methodology for assessing the quality of the organization of transport services for passengers, carried out using a correlation analysis of the pair dependence of marketing research indicators and the performance of client service parameters. The use of correlation analysis will allow one to determine the degree of dependence between the evaluated indicators in order to further select them and establish a single list of criteria for joint analysis of the quality of transport services.

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