Increase in reliability of diagnosing of the contact network bearer cable condition

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Stupitskii V. P., Khudonogov I. A., Tikhomirov V. A, Lobanov O. V. Povyshenie dostovernosti diagnostirovaniya sostoyaniya nesushchego trosa kontaktnoi seti [Increase in reliability of diagnosing of the contact network bearer cable condition]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 136–143. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).136-143

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The bearer cable is the main structure of contact network and is designed for hanging of the contact wire. Its technical condition is subject to monitoring to provide train service safety. The analysis of the modern methods of diagnostics allows us to conclude that their effectiveness is insufficient. Diagnostics of the bearer cable is made by groups of diagnostics of power supply division, road electrotechnical laboratory and also by the contact network testing car laboratory. It is carried out visually by means of pedestrian rounds and thermovision inspection. The first one doesn't yield due results, as it depends on a human factor. Accuracy and possibility of the second one decreases during daylight hours, in case of the increased humidity and occurrence of wind streams. During the diagnostics, these factors affect quality of measurement that can lead to break of the bearer cable. This article studies a new method of diagnostics of the bearer cable. During operation, the load-bearer cable is subject to different loads and temperatures. This in turn leads to a change in length, resulting in changes in the sag and tension. After analyzing the lengthening of the wire and the parameters of the carrier cable, it is possible to identify its pre-failure state. The length of the wire increases when at least one wire is broken, as its cross-section decreases. This method allows us to define the breakage of one or several wires due to lengthening of the bearer cable. The charts obtained show that, when section decreases, the lengthening of the wire increases. Therefore, knowing the change of the wire length, at present it is possible to predict its condition by time. It is possible to measure this parameter with the help of the sensor of the linear accelerations (accelerometer) whose principle of operation is acceleration measurement at the instant change of the wire parameters.

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