Mechanism of polymeric insulation strengthening of electric equipment of traction rolling stock by thermal radiation

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Kruchek V. A., Khudonogov A. M., Dul’skii E. Yu. Mekhanizm protsessa uprochneniya polimernoy izolyatsii elektrooborudovaniya tyagovogo podvizhnogo sostava teplovym izlucheniyem [Mechanism of polymeric insulation strengthening of electric equipment of traction rolling stock by thermal radiation]. Sovremennye tekhnologii. Sistemnyi analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling], 2020, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 144–149. 10.26731/1813-9108.2020.1(65).144-149

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The article discusses current issues related to the theoretical justification of a new methodology for determining the end time of the drying process of polymeric insulation of windings of traction rolling stock electric equipment using infrared radiation. One of the partially unresolved problems of using infrared radiation in the process of repair of insulating structures of windings of the traction rolling stock electric equipment was the determination of the time for stopping the drying process using specialized devices. The duration of the drying process with standard technology using convective electric furnaces is determined by the manufacturer of the insulating materials and impregnating compounds, which is due to appropriate tests, according to the assessment of the residual solvent content. Studies of the kinetics of the mechanism of crystallization of a liquid polymer under the influence of thermal radiation, carried out under laboratory and industrial conditions, have shown that for the main chemical fractions, the necessary changes end quite at a certain period of time, when the grain growth period ends. These features were used to create a new methodology for determining the end time of the drying process, based on changes in the volume of the polymer on the insulation surface. In this regard, a hypothesis was put forward that each of the values of the thermal radiation power density during the crystallization of liquid polymers corresponds to the optimal process time for hardening of the insulating structures. The mechanism of transition of a liquid polymer to a solid state with given physical characteristics under the action of thermal radiation requires precision experimental research.

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